Vulvar laser


The natural aging and hormonal changes of menopause can sag the skin of the vulva and labia. Reduced blood flow is also common. This can cause painful relations or aggravate skin diseases such as lichen sclerosis. The vulvar laser can help in this by improving collagen formation and blood flow and tightening the skin.

Suitable for you as

  • You have discolored road sagging skin of the vulva and labia
  • You experience decreased blood flow, which can lead to painful relationships
  • You have a skin disease such as lichen sclerosis


We apply a spray at the level of the vulva for local anesthesia. During the treatment, the laser sends a beam into the subcutaneous skin to stimulate the tissues in depth to rejuvenate, firm and heal. The laser scans the skin inch by inch until the area is completely treated.

The treatment takes about 10 minutes. The procedure is generally not considered painful.

We find the treatment that is best for you

Before each treatment, Doctor Marijke Aerts receives you for an exploratory intake interview. Dr. Aerts outlines a full picture of the options and possible risks and considers which treatment is appropriate for the desired outcome.

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Gynecologist Marijke Aerts determines with you the appropriate treatment to obtain the desired result.

Vulvar laser

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Vanaf september kan je in de praktijk terecht bij onze nieuwe collega Marie-Eveline voor verschillende behandelingen rond huidverbetering. Zij is een gespecialiseerd huidtherapeute die het team van Gynaecoplus zal versterken.