

Vulvar and axillary bleaching is an aesthetic procedure that aims to improve the skin in the vulvar (pubic) area or
armpit area to lighten.

Suitable for you as

  • You are aware of discoloration or pigmentation in the vulvar area (pubic area) or armpit area and are striving to achieve even skin tone and improved skin quality


Bleaching is done through a peeling liquid that we apply in 1 or 2 layers using cotton swabs. After peeling, we apply a lightening cream for cooling and hydration. After the sessions, the skin will be 1-2 shades lighter.

We find the treatment that is best for you

Before each treatment, Doctor Marijke Aerts receives you for an exploratory intake interview. Dr. Aerts outlines a full picture of the options and possible risks and considers which treatment is appropriate for the desired outcome.

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Other treatments at Gynaecoplus

Gynecologist Marijke Aerts determines with you the appropriate treatment to obtain the desired result.


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Vanaf oktober kan je in de praktijk terecht bij onze nieuwe collega Marie-Eveline voor verschillende behandelingen rond natuurlijke huidverbetering. Zij is een gespecialiseerd huidtherapeute die het team van Gynaecoplus zal versterken.